Strategy is poker, not chess

As leaders, we often think of ourselves sitting atop some great chessboard carefully planning 5 moves ahead. Placing our pieces just so to outmanoueuvre the competition.

We deploy playbooks and opening strategies that are battle-tested and virtually guaranteed to succeed.

But the reality is that strategy isn’t chess. It’s poker.

One person playing poker another playing chess

In chess, we have complete information and clear rules. The right move at any one time can be calculated and predicted.

That’s just not how the world works.

Competitive dynamics evolve, market forces change the rules of the game, and companies win that shouldn’t. It’s messy, it’s emotional, and uncertain.

Just like poker.

Baby winning in poker vs expert

Great players can still win a losing hand. They bluff, read opponents, and break the supposed rules.

They know the game is played with imperfect information and are willing to make bets on the odds.

Great leaders need to do that too.

Strategy is about knowing what you have, reading the trends, and giving yourself the best odds of success. Having the answer mostly right but acting quickly on it is often a better choice than waiting for perfection.

So the next time you find yourself stuck with an imperfect answer or frustrated with the hand you’re dealt remember – that’s just part of the game.

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