8 Spooky Kinds of Strategy Failures

There is nothing spookier than a failed strategy.

Here are 8 bone-chilling types of strategy failures that you don’t want knocking at your door!

Trick or treater dressed as a failed strategy

#1 - The Ouija Board

The strategy wasn’t based on real data.

#2 - The Blind Bat

There was no way to measure progress.

A bat flying in circles missing its target

#3 - Ghostly Engagement

Important stakeholders were left out of the planning process.

Someone pointing at ghosts saying you didn't consult them, but the other person can't see them

#4 - The Skeleton Crew

The plan was never sufficiently resourced.

Someone handing a skeleton way too many jobs

#5 - The Zombie

The plan wasn’t really a living thing.

Someone pointing at a zombie asking "is that our plan?"

#6 - The Magic Cauldron

There was no connection between the inputs and the outputs.

A witch putting random materials into a cauldron, claiming to be creating results

#7 - The Frankenstein

The strategy was long-dead but leadership kept reviving it.

Someone reanimating frankenstein, saying it's our new strategic plan

#8 - The Scarecrow

The plan was only created for show.

Board birds looking at a scarecrow saying the plan looks good to me

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